Allison Renaud

Allison Renaud

Allison Renaud


Public Health and Psychology


 Allie is a senior studying Public Health and Psychology. She will be among the first cohort of students to graduate in December with the new Bachelor of Science in Public Health Degree. Throughout her four years at Wayne State, she has developed a love for the campus, community, and city. Allie is the current President of the Alpha Pi Chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta. In addition to her involvement in Greek life, she has participated in Alternative Spring Break Detroit and was a WSU Legacy Leader. Allie is a strong advocate for student involvement, and also shares a passion for helping others in her community. Allie works in the Dean of Students Office as a Student Coordinator for The W Food Pantry. She is honoured and excited to represent Wayne State on the 2017 Homecoming Court. Go Warriors!